The Seedstars Asia Angels 8 Qs

Joseph de Leon
2 min readDec 14, 2018


8 Questions Angels should ask Founders

During the Seedstars Asia Regional Summit (Bangkok 2018) I had the privilege of moderating a workshop of first time to full-time angel investors from across South East Asia.

We round tabled our favorite questions for evaluating investment opportunities. This is obviously not the last word on the subject.

These questions are a first step. Start from here and craft your own Qs.

Would love to learn more about your favorite questions in the comments below.

Invest patiently. Advise honorably. Profit boldly.

The Best Practice Questions shared by Angel Investors from across ASEAN

1. What problem are you really trying to solve?

  • Is the opportunity worth pursuing?
  • Or is it their solution in search of a problem?
  • Why now?

Product Market Fit of the Value Proposition
2. What is the one unit to measure the pain you are solving?

  • Are they solving for the right x?
  • Or are they working on what is convenient? If it can’t be measured, will it be investible?

Customer Focus and Insights
3. Who are your actual customers?

  • Whether it is B2B or B2C, how many have they actually talked to? Have they suffered with them?
  • Do they know their actual names and how to reach them? Are they pursuing real customers in a reachable target market or broad category as a talking point?

Business Clarity & Market Reality
4. Besides money, what will it take to truly succeed?

  • What does success look like for them?
  • Do they know what it will take to make it in the market?
  • Will their solution or service stand out?

Founder Fit & Team Value
5. What makes you the best person to do this?

  • Passion is not enough. How do they think? What are they the best at?

6. What makes your team the best to win this?

  • Do they have the right mix? How do they actually work together?

Angel Fit & Impact (we then have to ask ourselves)
7. What is their potential?

  • What’s possible that they might be able to see for themselves?

8. How can I make a difference?

  • Besides money, how can I help them get to where they need to go next?

Check out the latest version of this presentation here:

